How To Ejaculate More Than Once | How To Ejaculate Multiple Times

Ejaculate Multiple TimesIf you’re reading this post, chances are that you’ve been looking for a way to get more out of your orgasms. We’ve all been there. You reach orgasm, and suddenly the fun ends. If you want to enjoy multiple orgasms or ejaculations, read on 

The truth is, most of us can ejaculate multiple times in one session. Of course, it won’t be easy, but this article will take you through what you need to know to start ejaculating more than once.

Why Can’t I Ejaculate More Than Once

You can, actually. Semen doesn’t expire and it’s not a limited or dwindling supply, so it’s not like you’ll be running out. After you ejaculate, the body starts producing more semen almost immediately.

This is not a myth or exaggeration–some people are able to do it, and so can you.

You will of course notice that the amount of semen you can expel decreases after each ejaculation. This is normal, especially if you’re only allowing your body a short period of time to replenish semen.

Most men can ejaculate a maximum of three times in a row–it’s not going to be easy, but it’s possible with practice. You’ll typically have to wait a few days to be able to do three in a row again.

If you’re a woman, it might be safer to have sex only a few times a week, even if you have a healthy sex life.

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Male orgasm

Understanding The Male Orgasm

The male orgasm is actually a complex process.

Ejaculation is a series of physical events that occur in men, but women can also experience these same movements. The body of the male undergoes a series of muscular contractions that cause semen to be expelled from the penis. In addition, the prostate gland, which produces fluid that makes up part of the semen, contracts. Other bodily functions occur simultaneously as well. For example, a person may begin to breathe more quickly, the heart rate increases, and blood is pumped into the genitals and other parts of the body.

The male orgasm is divided into four distinct phases:

Arousal Phase: When a man becomes aroused, he feels an increase in blood flow to the genitals. As the blood flows through the penis, it fills with oxygen-rich blood, causing the penis to swell. Nitric oxide is released into the arteries of the penis, which causes them to expand and fill with blood.

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Plateau Phase: The plateau is the point at which your penis is ready to ejaculate. This is when you’re almost at the peak, and you’re ready to come.

Orgasm Phase: This is the point at which semen is expelled from the body, by both the pelvic floor muscles and penile muscle contractions. Naturally, the brain’s reward centers are activated, and a feeling of intense euphoria envelops the body.

Resolution Phase: This is the phase after orgasm. It’s when you start to lose your erection and feel tired because of all that has just transpired.

Ejaculation is a series of physical events that occur in men, but women can also experience these same movements. The body of the male undergoes a series of muscular contractions that cause semen to be expelled from the penis. In addition, the prostate gland, which produces fluid that makes up part of the semen, contracts. Other bodily functions occur simultaneously as well. For example, a person may begin to breathe more quickly, the heart rate increases, and blood is pumped into the genitals and other parts of the body.

What is The Refractory Period?

The refractory period is the time after intercourse when you can’t be aroused again. In other words, it is the time between ejaculation when a man can’t be aroused or have an erection. The amount of time varies from person to person and depends on a variety of factors, such as age, stress level, and overall health. 

Men typically experience the refractory period for about three to five minutes after ejaculation. The refractory period begins when the muscles in the pelvic region relax and the semen is expelled. 

For most men, the refractory period lasts between two and five hours. It can vary widely, however. Some men can sustain arousal for more than 12 hours; for others, it can last less than 30 minutes.


Ways To Ejaculate More Than Once

Remember when we talked about the refractory period? Well, for the purposes of this article, we’ll just call this the length of time a man is able to be erect and ready for sex again after having just ejaculated. 

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The length of the refractory period varies significantly between men. Some guys need a few minutes to recover while others need several hours.

The main point is that if you want to ejaculate more than once, you’ll have to reduce your refractory period. There are a number of ways you can do this, and a number of medications you can take — we’ll discuss them below.

Medical Treatment 

The most popular erectile dysfunction pills such as Viagra and Cialis (as well as other PDE5 inhibitors) can help shorten the refractory period in men. 

In one study, men with erectile dysfunction who took the drug sildenafil citrate recovered more quickly after sex. Another study using self-reported data on men aged between 41 and 57 found that sildenafil can decrease the refractory time after sexual activity.

These ED pills basically work the same way because they are PDE5 inhibitors. A PDE5 inhibitor works by helping the body produce nitric oxide, which helps widen the blood vessels and causes the penis to swell to create an erection. By blocking the action of PDE5, which deactivates the enzyme responsible for the breakdown of cGMP (cyclic guanosine monophosphate), the PDE5 inhibitors increase the amount of nitric oxide produced in the body.

The most common PDE5 inhibitors are:

  • Sildenafil (Viagra)
  • Tadalafil (Cialis)
  • Vardenafil (Levitra or Staxyn)
  • Avanafil (Stendra)

Non-Pills Methods 

There are also a variety of methods you can try to help you be able to shorten your refractory period and ejaculate more often than usual.

Practice Kegels: If you thought that Kegels and other pelvic floor exercises could only benefit women, you’ll be amazed to learn how much they can benefit men as well.

You can do a Kegel exercise by flexing the muscles that are just below your belly button. The exercise is basically like trying to hold your urine until you reach the toilet. Hold it for a few seconds, then let go and repeat the process a couple of times.

Hold off on masturbating: It goes without saying that holding off from masturbating for a few days before an event where you intend to ejaculate multiple times can help. 

Squeeze method: It’s easier to learn how to do the squeeze technique than you might think, so give it a shot and you might just find that you’re a natural. It’s possible to stop the orgasm from happening if you are about to ejaculate. You can try to hold down where the head of your penis meets the shaft.

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You should try not to masturbate as soon as you get aroused, but rather let yourself calm down, and then try to ejaculate or climax. It is likely that your erection will become softer, and your ejaculation / orgasm will take longer. Once the feeling passes, you can resume sexual activity.

Medical Treatment

Can Testosterone Level Be Impacted? 

It is commonly believed that masturbation affects a man’s testosterone levels, but this is not necessarily true. Masturbation does not seem to have any long-lasting effects on testosterone levels. It is possible that the frequency and intensity of masturbation play a role in testosterone levels in the short term, but studies show that it won’t really affect T-levels much in the long term.

Masturbation is something that most people have done in their lives. And while over-masturbation may affect your sex drive, it does not pose a threat to your physical health whether short term or long term.

Are There Any Risks With Ejaculating Multiple Times 

Masturbation can cause temporary sperm count to fall but will not affect other measures of sperm health, such as sperm motility and morphology.

There is no evidence that frequent ejaculation is harmful, but you can expect sex drive to drop in the short term after a bout of multiple ejaculations. Also, it’s also reasonable to expect that masturbating too often carries risk of injuring your penis or chafing your skin. 

Other than that, frequent ejaculation seems to be harmless. It only becomes harmful if it becomes an addiction that ruins your relationships, your productivity, and other parts of your life.

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If you want to improve your sex life, you don’t have to learn how to come over and over again. There are other things you can do, like learn how to prolong your stamina in bed.

But, let’s face it, being able to ejaculate multiple times can take your sex life to another level. You may be able to help your partner come multiple times during sex!

If you want to be able to ejaculate several times in one session, you may have to build up to a stamina that allows you to do this, but just like with any sexual activity, it’s a part of learning and having fun.